Spam Filter Not Working Properly on My Yahoo Account


In case the filters in your Yahoo Mail account aren’t working properly or if emails are not being sent to the appropriate folder, you will need to review the filtering guidelines of Yahoo. Generally, all the incoming emails go through the spam filter before going through the other filters. In case your emails are not getting delivered to the correct folder, try looking for the spam folder first in your Yahoo Mail account.

Empty Filters or Filters Without Rules

If you have created an empty filter or filter without any rules in your Yahoo Mail account, it will affect your account in the following manner:

  • Deliver emails sent by an email address with empty characters to the inbox of your Yahoo Mail account.
  • In case you have positioned the empty filter at the top of the filter list, the rules of the rest of the filters will be voided and messages will be sent to the inbox instead of a relevant folder.

Conflicting Filter Rules

  • It is suggested to not use negative criteria such as “does not contain” with positive criteria like “begins with”.
  • Also, make sure not to have a conflicting filter above a filter that is not functioning.

Multiple Criteria

  • In case you have set multiple criteria in your filter, the said filter will apply all of the rules you defined to identify which message to filter.
  • If you wish to filter all emails that contain either Criteria A or Criteria B, it is suggested to create 2 filters.

Filter Limitations for POP Accounts

  • Settings filters to other folders will block your email client from downloading them.
  • Email clients using POP download emails from the inbox folder only.

So, these are some of the reasons that might be making the filters in your Yahoo Mail account to malfunction. Check your Yahoo Mail account for the above suggestions and try to fix the problem accordingly. If the problem persists, then call Yahoo helpline support customer service number for quick support.

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